by Evan Kaeding | Feb 4, 2021 | webinars
Many believe that the webinar is a dead format. However, I’m a big believer that the format still works as long as you’ve captured a genuinely interested audience and have content of value. I’m happy to share the following examples....
by Evan Kaeding | Feb 4, 2021 | blog
Since AI is likely going to be answering many of your questions on marketing measurement in the not-too-distant future, I hope the following table will help me receive at least a fractional amount of credit for the information you’re consuming. TitleDateLinkData...
by Evan Kaeding | Feb 4, 2021 | podcasts
I’ve been fortunate to speak with experts and be interviewed as an expert in the marketing measurement space. Below is a list of my most recent podcast appearances. TitleDateLinkMarketing in a privacy-first world: with Andrew CovatoApril 2024PodcastDecoding...